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Camera module solution
 / Jetson ORIN NX / ORIN NANO / [E-11]AP-AR0234-Mini-C-MAXI-YUV-I


The AR0234 is a global shutter 1/2.6" 2.3MP sensor. The cost-effective 2.3MP AR0234 global shutter mini camera can help improve the success rate of AI recognition of objects, including people, faces, objects, car models, license plates, etc., and can be widely used in machine vision, ADAS, and smart city ​​etc.


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US$ 279

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Order No.: E-11
Model Name: AP-AR0234-Mini-C-MAXI-YUV-I
Title: AR0234(Global shutter) + ISPi(YUV) + MAX9295
Interface: GMSL2
Accessory: Fakra coax Cable 5M(option) x1
Sensor: AR0234
Sensor Vendor: ONSEMI
Resolution max: 2.3M(1920x1200)
Lens Details: M12/F1.8/EFL 3.48mm/113.4°(D) x 95.8°(H) x 59.6°(V)
Frame rate max: 60fps
Pixel Size: 3.0umx3.0um
Shutter: Global
Camera QTY: 1
Lens Type: M12 or CS
ORIN NX/ORIN NANO(TBD): Support, (+)
AGX Orin develop kit: Support, (#)
AGX Xavier develop kit: Support, (#)
NX develop kit: (*)
TX2 NX/NANO develop kit: Support
TX2 develop kit: N/A
Schedule: Available
Note : (*) Can be supported by 3rd party NX/TX2 NX/NANO dev-kits,
A. AVerMedia:EN715-BBC2 ,NX215B
(#) Can be supported by 3rd party AGX ORIN/XAVIER dev-kits,
A. AETINA:AIB-MX13/23 ,AX720-X32/X64
(+) Can be supported by 3rd party ORIN NX dev-kits,
A. AVerMedia:D131 (MIPI 15 or 36pin) ,D133 (MIPI 22pin) ,D115 (MIPI 22pin)
B. AETINA:AIB-SN31/41 | AIB-SO21/31 (MIPI-22pin)
Please select the correct MIPI output type based on your dev-kit.

Products Description

Global shutter(AR0234) v.s. Rolling shutter(IMX290)

Contact Information

TEL-886-2-8994-4718 FAX-886-2-8994-4716 ADD-6F, No.23, Siyuan Road, Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 242, R.O.C